We are stressing these 9 points because we are convinced that both the academic rights and the democratic rights of students must be improved.
Our plea is based on the need of having a high quality education for everyone. Post secondary and tertiary institutions must have enough resources to offer high quality education.
Meanwhile as Social Democrats and progressives we have to stress that education should not only serve the labour market but also have to contribute to dynamic citizenship, a more democratic society and freedom and emancipation of the individual. It is because we want to achieve these aims that we are emphasizing the need for quality education and the proper implementation of the Bologna process.
We are also aware that with the Lisbon strategy Europe wants to become the strongest knowledge based economy by 2010 and therefore the European Commission started to tackle Higher Education reforms. Each time that statistics about the Lisbon Agenda results are published Malta is featuring amongst the last in the list. For us this is not acceptable.
Our dream is to be amongst the best in Europe. Let’s achieve it together.
The Labour Youth Forum believes that:
1) Students must be considered as equal partners on decision-making level; student unions and representation must be strengthened.
2) There must be a further strive towards the full attainment of the aims and objectives set in the Bologna Process.
The Bologna Process aims to create a European Higher Education Area by 2010, in which students can choose from a wide and transparent range of high quality courses and benefit from smooth recognition procedures. The three priorities of the Bologna process are: Introduction of the three cycle system (bachelor/master/doctorate), quality assurance and recognition of qualifications and periods of study.
Read more about the Bologna process: http://ec.europa.eu/education/policies/educ/bologna/bologna_en.html
3) All students have right for qualified, devoted and available lecturers throughout the entire academic year;
4) Examinations results are to be published within a definite timeframe and deadline.
5) Students must be granted access for the revision of paper’s process.
6) eSIMS and online services systems alike are to be extended to all other post-secondary and tertiary level educational institutions.
7) Further undergraduate degrees on part-time basis and as evening classes are to be made available.
8) Studies are to be more practice oriented;
9) The University Ombudsman’s office must undergo a deep reform. The setting up of a similar office in all post-secondary and tertiary level educational institutions must be considered as a priority.
Punt numru tlieta interessanti mmens fid-dawl ta' l-istrajk li hemm mill-lecturers.
Nemmen li l-lecturers ghandhom jinghataw dak li hu taghhom imma l-istudenti ghandu jkollom attenzjoni u dedikazzjoni mill-ghalliema.
hafna jgibu d-ditti privati ferm qabel it-tghalim.
jiena naqbel li jtuhom pagi tajbin hafna imma mbaghad ikunu full time l-universita jridu
forsi l-lecturers vera mhux mhallsin, imma lanqas huma fil-maggoranza dawk li huma dedikati anqas. u ma nitkellmux fuq assenteizmu ta l istudenti, ghax l-lecturers mhux hafna ahjar.
Naraha importanti hafna li l istudenti jkollom ombudsman f kull istituzzjoni edukattiva
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